Our Mission

Our Mission -

Our mission is to expose society to overlooked aspects of American history, by telling stories of the African-American experience. Along  with As these experiences are often swept under the rug, we want to teach the untold stories of history through inclusive artistic expression with my brand, I've Been Lynched. It's more than a brand or a phrase. It highlights the systemic racism people of color face every day;that others chose to overlook or forget. Proceeds from clothing line sales in turn help to fund theatrical productions focused on furthering these conversations. 

We hope to promote the rich contributions made by African-Americans, and in doing so, give others the tools they need to work towards an equitable societyWe believe that the arts are not just a form of entertainment, but can also be used as a medium for educationWe aim to produce works that reflect the condition, circumstances, history, and experiences of struggleand the strength needed to overcome it.

Lynch- /lin(t)SH/ - (of a mob) to kill (someone), especially by hanging, for an alleged offense with or without a legal trial.

Lynching is a horrific tactic of fear and intimidation, used by those who wish to be viewed as more powerful. It is used as a weapon to keep those who are deemed unworthy from rising to positions of equality and equity.  Mass incarceration, voter registration blocks, the rising cost but diminished worth of degrees, the racial pay gap, the prejudice against the LGBT community. Lynching kills the opportunity for growth, takes away rights and creates tangible division among people. Its goal is to stifle the progress of minority groups and the only tools against it are awareness and knowledge.  Make no mistake we are still being hung from  trees just as our ancestors were.